Judgment of the Court; 23 December 2009; Jasna Detiček v Maurizio Sgueglia; Case C-403/09 PPU
Article 20 of Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 of 27 November 2003 concerning jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, repealing Regulation (EC) No 1347/2000, must be interpreted as not allowing, in circumstances such as those of the main proceedings, a court of a Member State to take a provisional measure in matters of parental responsibility granting custody of a child who is in the territory of that Member State to one parent, where a court of another Member State, which has jurisdiction under that regulation as to the substance of the dispute relating to custody of the child, has already delivered a judgment provisionally giving custody of the child to the other parent, and that judgment has been declared enforceable in the territory of the former Member State.
- Reforma dokaznega prava v digitalni dobi
- Raznolikost izvršilnih naslovov pri čezmejni izterjavi dolgov v EU
- Train to Enforce
- Pravna sredstva v zvezi z izvrševanjem tujih sodnih odločb po Bruselj Ia (prenovitev)
- LAWTrain
- Razvoj in trendi v pravni ureditvi odvetništva v Sloveniji in Nemčiji
- Kontinentalno pravo proti "Common law" - presoja "pravil" dokaznega prava (testiranje dopustnosti elektronskih dokazov v anglosaškem in kontinentalnem pravnem sistemu)
- Razsežnosti dokazovanja v evropskem civilnem postopku
- Poenostavljena izterjava denarnih obveznosti v EU
- Vloga Pravne fakultete
- Konference in ostale aktivnosti
- Rezultati projekta
- Council regulation (EC) No 1346/2000
- Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1206/2001
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1348/2000
- Brussels Regulation
- Brussels Convention
- Protocol on the interpretation of the Brussels Convention
- Brussels Convention
- Brussels Regulation
- Council Regulation (EC) No 1206/2001
- Council regulation (EC) No 1348/2000
- Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003
- Judgment of the Court; 27 November 2007; C; Case C-435/06
- Judgment of the Court; 29 November 2007; Kerstin Sundelind Lopez v Miguel Enrique Lopez Lizazo; Case C-68/07
- Judgment of the Court; 11 July 2008; Inga Rinau; Case C-195/08 PPU
- Judgment of the Court; 2 April 2009; A; Case C-523/07
- Judgment of the Court; 16 July 2009; Laszlo Hadadi (Hadady) v Csilla Marta Mesko, épouse Hadadi (Hadady); Case C-168/08
- Judgment of the Court; 23 December 2009; Jasna Detiček v Maurizio Sgueglia; Case C-403/09 PPU
- Judgment of the Court; 1 July 2010; Doris Povse v Mauro Alpago; Case C-211/10 PPU
- Judgment of the Court; 15 July 2010; Bianca Purrucker v Guillermo Vallés Pérez; Case C-256/09
- Judgment of the Court; 5 October 2010; J. McB. v L. E.; Case C-400/10 PPU
- Judgment of the Court; 9 November 2010; Bianca Purrucker v Guillermo Vallés Pérez; Case C-296/10
- Judgment of the Court; 22 December 2010; Barbara Mercredi v Richard Chaffe; Case C-497/10 PPU
- Judgment of the Court; 22 December 2010; Joseba Andoni Aguirre Zarraga v Simone Pelz; Case C-491/10 PPU
- Council regulation (EC) No 1346/2000
- Evropski izvršilni naslov
- Medicina, pravo in družba
- CRP Vročanje