The First Cycle university study programme "Law"

  • Study programme:
    First-cycle university study program in Law – undergraduate
  • The duration of the study programme:
    3 years
  • The study programme comprises (ECTS):
  • Students who fulfil all the obligations required by the study programme receive the professional title:
    diplomirani pravnik (UN)/diplomirana pravnica (UN)

The first cycle University study programme Law is an undergraduate study programme that provides basic fundamental legal knowledge, which will enable a student, to be awarded the title of diplomirani pravnik (UN) when completing the programme, to acquire skills that are necessary to perform simpler legal tasks and which will serve as background for further studies in the second cycle of legal studies or law-related interdisciplinary studies.

The study programme has a six semesters length and comprises 180 ECTS. Each year comprises 60 ECTS and each semester 30 ECTS.

During the study cycle, the student must complete 26 courses (mandatory and elective) and write a diploma thesis. Subjects are organized into fields: civil and commercial law, criminal law, public law, international law and the EU law, and in fundamental legal and general subjects.

Mandatory courses grant the students general knowledge in the field of the university study programme, throughout which they acquire all necessary skills to perform simple legal tasks and gain basic knowledge for further immersion and planning of their course of study. The elective courses available in the programme enable students to acquire additional knowledge in specific legal areas. Out of all the ECTS, 90% are dedicated to mandatory courses and 10% to elective courses.