Assist. Aljoša Polajžar, Ph.D.

- Labour Law (tutorials)
- English Legal Terminology (tutorials)
- Advanced English Legal Terminology (tutorials)
- Property Law (tutorials)
- MUN and Moot I (tutorials)
Asist. Aljoša Polajžar, Ph.D. is a Teaching and Research Assistant at the Faculty of Law University of Maribor. In September 2024, he defended his doctoral dissertation "Collective labour rights of platform workers", which he prepared under the supervision of Full professor Darja Senčur Peček, Ph.D. His research interests predominantly include various legal aspects of employee protection in an employment relationship (new forms of work, protection of privacy and personal data of the worker, collective labour law, human rights, the challenges of digitisation and artificial intelligence, platform work, etc.).
He has co-authored commentaries on the Labour Relations Act, the Civil Servants Act and the Public Sector Wage System Act. He is the author of numerous scientific and professional articles in the field of law in English and Slovenian (see COBISS and SICRIS). He has presented his research results at numerous scientific and professional conferences at home and abroad. He is an associate editor of the international scientific journal LeXonomica (WoS) in the field of Law. He is the faculty coordinator of the international Moot Court and Model United Nations (MUN) competitions. He obtained a Master's degree in Law in July 2020 on the topic of privacy protection in the workplace in the digital age.
Selected publications:
SENČUR PEČEK, Darja, POLAJŽAR, Aljoša. Privacy at work in Slovenia. V: HENDRICKX, Frank (ur.), MANGAN, David (ur.), GRAMANO, Elena (ur.). Privacy@work : a European and comparative perspective. Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International B.V., [2023]. Str. 469-491. ISBN 978-94-035-3106-9.
POLAJŽAR, Aljoša. Access of platform workers to collective rights – the fall of the binary divide?. Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi. 2024, roč. 32, č. 2, str. 195-212. ISSN 1210-9126., DOI: 10.5817/CPVP2024-2-1. [SNIP, Scopus]
POLAJŽAR, Aljoša. Covert surveillance at the workplace and the ECtHR approach : possible risks of breaching GDPR rules. E-journal of international and comparative labour studies. 2023, vol. 12, no. 3, str. 20-46. ISSN 2280-4056. [SNIP, Scopus]