Research Bibliography

The library at the Maribor Faculty of Law also offers the service of compiling bibliographies of researchers. The service is free for employees and doctoral students of Maribor Faculty of Law (during the time of their studies).

The Programme board of the Maribor Faculty of Law can under certain circumstances allow that other users can also be provided with the service free of charge. Othervise such a service needs to be paid.

Authors (professors, researchers, others) need to provide the library with the bibliographic work in original.

The COBISS system is used for classifying bilibographic units. Additionally, bilbliographies are lead in accordance with the ARRS standards for measuring scientific succes and OSIC instructions.(Bibliografska merila znanstvene uspešnosti ARRS, Dodatna navodila za katalogizacijo bibliografskih enot, ki se upoštevajo pri vrednotenju raziskovalne uspešnosti )


Test bibliography for habilitation at the University of Maribor.