Help with checking a doctoral disertation

If a student of the Maribor Faculty of Law is in need of help when checking the research that has already been conducted on the topic of his doctoral disertation, it is possible to ask Natalija Orešek, MSc, bibliothecary, for help.

The list of available legal databases:

  • Beck-Online Premium (german law) – only available at the Maribor Faculty of Law
  • RDB (austrian law) - only available at the Maribor Faculty of Law
  • HeinOnline (USA, Canada, England, EU) – available from home
  • WestLaw (England, EU, Australia, Canada, Hong Konf, USA) – available from home
  • JSTOR (pravo, pravna zgodovina) – available from gome

Remote access i.e. access from home is an option offered to students and employees of the University of Maribor. To access the databases from home, students and employees need to be members of one of the university libraries. Prior to acquiring the possibility of a remote access to literature, users need to file an application, available at: