Lectures and other materials
Master's theses
- BELE, Nika. Tožba zaradi nedelovanja Evropske komisije: diskrecijska pravica kot procesna ovira : magistrsko delo. Maribor: [N. Bele], 2022. https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=81766.
- PEČE, Teja. Vpliv prava EU na substančno delovno pravo: izbrani vidiki : magistrsko delo. Maribor: [T. Peče], 2022. https://dk.um.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=81289.
- ŠUTA, Živa. Odnos držav članic EU do načela primarnosti prava EU : magistrsko delo. Maribor: [Ž. Šuta], 2022.
Seminar papers
- Sebastioan Bożek: Judicial Independence in the Case Law of the CJEU (seminar paper, 2022)
- Maria Eduarda Gomes de Andrade: "Solange" doctrine – its development and relevance today (seminar paper, 2022)
- Urban Bratina: Comparison of procedures of States vs. States before the CJEU and the ECtHR (seminar paper, 2022)
- Leonard J. Elsbroek: Comparison of requirements for individuals to access the CJEU and the ECtHR (seminar paper, 2022)
- Laura Jurczyk: ECtHR Judgments:Making Rights a Reality (poster, 2023)
- Aljoša Poljšak: Hitchhiking the Legal Universe: Unveiling Entry Criteria for Individuals at CJEU and ECtHR (poster, 2023)
- Ricardo Patryk Kalowski Saiz: The concept of just satisfaction in the case law of the ECtHR (poster, 2023)
- Esther Fuchs: The same Human Rights for everyone in the EU? (poster, 2023)
- Amelie Geider: “Solange“ doctrine – its development and the relevance today (poster, 2023)
- Maialen Navaridas Eizaguirre: The conditions for the restrictions of rights under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the ECHR (poster, 2023)
- Lucas Sanjuán Luque: The EU accession to ECHR (poster, 2023)
- Lucía Arevalillo: Mechanisms to ensure compliance with CJEU judgments (poster, 2023)
- Ejdi Golemi: Comparison of the mission of the CJEU and the ECtHR (poster, 2023)
- Guillermo Blasco Munoz: Presentation of the procedure before the ECtHR (poster, 2023)
- Antonia Notthoff: Presentation of the procedure before the CJEU (direct and indirect route) (poster, 2023)
Lectures - teaching materials
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