Associate Professor Zlatan Dežman, Ph.D.

- Criminal Procedural Law (lectures)
- Criminal Law: Selected Topics (lectures)
Associate Professor Zlatan Dežman, Ph.D., finished the College of Law in Maribor in 1973. He continued his study of law at the Ljubljana Faculty of Law, where he graduated in 1976. After graduating, he became an employee of the court in Maribor, where he still works as a judge at the District Court today. After passing the State Bar Examination, he started his master of science study at the Ljubljana Faculty of Law in 1979. He obtained the title ‘magister znanosti' (master of science) in 1985, defending a thesis titled »Kazenska odgovornost udeležencev v cestnem prometu«. He later successfully defended his doctoral thesis titled »Kazenskopravno varstvo cestnega prometa in temeljne predpostavke kaznivosti« in 1996.
Since 1998, Associate Professor Zlatan Dežman, Ph.D., heads the course Criminal Procedural Law at the Maribor Faculty of Law.