Assistant Professor Gregor Maučec, Ph.D.

Gregor Maučec is Assistant Professor and Research Associate at the University of Maribor's Faculty of Law, Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Law and Lecturer in Law at the University of Liverpool where he teaches criminal law and EU law. At the New University's Faculty of Government and European Studies he also leads module on Global Migration Law (at postgraduate level). Previously, he was Assistant Professor of International and Criminal Law at the New University’s Faculty of Government and European Studies, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at iCourts - the Centre of Excellence for International Courts at the University of Copenhagen, Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow in Law at the European University Institute and JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at the Kyoto University’s School of Law. He holds a doctorate (PhD) in Law and a master's degree in International Law (both from the University of Maribor). Gregor also guest lectured at the University of Copenhagen, University of Florence, University College London and elsewhere. He currently sits on the editorial board of Book collection on International Law.
Gregor's research in international law and international adjudication combines empirical findings with theoretical and doctrinal legal investigations while using inspiration, methods and insights from social, behavioural and psychological sciences to cross traditional barriers. His writing and publications have focused on the international judicial function, and particularly how it is understood and carried out by the judges of different international adjudicative bodies; international judicial behaviour and decision-making; protection of minorities and indigenous populations through international courts; international(ised) criminal tribunals; discrimination, fair trial, criminal sentencing and the death penalty; compound and intersecting forms of discrimination in the context of mass atrocities; various transitional justice issues; and legal and human rights aspects of a migration-border defence nexus in the context of European integrated border management. He has published extensively on these topics and presented numerous conference and seminar papers. His work has been published in leading academic journals in his field, amongst others, the Leiden Journal of International Law, Journal of International Dispute Settlement, International Criminal Law Review, International Journal of Minority and Group Rights, Florida Journal of International Law, Utrecht Journal of International and European Law, as well as in edited book volumes, such as Edward Elgar. As a member of the Central European Professors' Network “Migration challenges – legal responses” led by the Central European Academy (Hungary), Gregor's work also includes comparative legal research on the relationship between border defence, migration and the issue of refugees. As an expert in human rights law and anti-discrimination law, he regularly contributes to projects coordinated/implemented by the Institute for Ethnic and Regional Studies (ISCOMET), Maribor.
So far, Gregor has been a PI in several research projects financed by the European Commission, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency (ARIS). He is currently the PI of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral research project entitled "Intuitions and International Judging: An Interdisciplinary Study of 'Thinking-Fast' Decision-Making on the International Criminal Bench - JUDGEHUNCH" (2023-2026), funded by ARIS under the measure C3.K8.IC: "strengthening the international mobility of Slovenian researchers and research organizations and promoting the international engagement of Slovenian applicants" in the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Plan and implemented through cooperation between the University of Maribor's Faculty of Law and the University of Amsterdam's Faculty of Law. Further information on
Gregor's current research project can be found here: