Full Professor Vesna Kranjc, Ph.D.

- Lex Mercatoria – 1st cycle programme (lectures)
- Lex Mercatoria – 2nd cycle programme (lectures)
Vesna Kranjc Ph.D. graduated in the College of Law in Maribor in 1977 and afterward completed her studies at the Ljubljana Faculty of Law in 1980. She passed the state bar examination in 1981 and obtained the title of ‘magister znanosti' (master of science) in 1991. Shortly after, she became a doctor of science in 1996, when she successfully defended her doctoral thesis titled ‘Poslovni običaji kot formalni vir gospodarskega pogodbenega prava' under the mentorship of Professor Emeritus Bojan Zabel, Ph.D. She became a Professor at the Maribor Faculty of Law in 2007 and now heads the Institute for Company, Contract and Corporate Law at the faculty. Previous to working at the faculty, she collaborated in the judiciary and economy.
Besides the previously mentioned education, she also gained knowledge across the border. She participated in the Joint Ventures Programme, organised by the American Bar Association in Krakow, the School of European Law at the European University Institute in Firenze and the School of English and European Law at the School of Law, Kingston University in London.
She lectures in the fields of company and civil law, mainly law of obligations. Her scientific and research work is focused primarily on the field of contractual company law, law of obligations and the law of public orders. These are the fields of law in which she publishes articles in national and foreign publications and participates in scientific conferences. Among her work we can find independent scientific publications (‘Poslovni običaji in gospodarske pogodbe', ‘Gospodarsko pogodbeno pravo', ‘Komentar Zakona o javnem naročanju', ‘Komentar Zakona o javnem naročanju na vodnem, energetskem, transportnem in področju poštnih storitev', ‘Komentar Zakona o reviziji postopkov javnega naročanja', ‘Komentar ZJN-3') and publications where she participated as a co-author (‘Obligacijski zakonik s komentarjem'). She was a member of the preparation committee for the Obligations Code.
As a member of the Institute for Company, Contract, and Corporate Law she prepares expert opinions answers questions dealing with company and contractual law, the law of obligations, the law on public orders and concessions.
Furthermore, she acts as the arbitrator at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and as one of the national adjudicators of the FIDIC criteria (‘Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils') in the Slovenian Association for consulting engineering.
Additionally, she is a member of the editorial board of the journal ‘Podjetje in delo' and ‘Lex Localis' and has been active in different law societies for plenty of years.