Full Professor Darja Senčur Peček, Ph.D.

- Social Security (lectures)
- Labour Law (lectures)
- Labour Law and Social Security Law: Selected topics
Full Professor Darja Senčur Peček, Ph.D., was born in 1965 in Murska Sobota. She graduated from the Ljubljana Faculty of Law in 1988, where she later also finished her master of science in 1997 (topic: ‘Varstvo manjšinskih delničarjev') and obtained the title doctor of science in 2007 (the topic of her doctoral dissertation: ‘Delovnopravni položaj direktorjev'). After working in the economy for more than 15 years, she started with her work as an assistant at the Maribor Faculty of Law in 1998.
She is currently an associate professor and lectures in the courses Labour Law, Social Security and Labour Law and Social Security Law: Selected topic. She is head of the Department of Labour Law and chairman of the Institute for Labour Law and Social Security.
Additionally, she also acts as a member of the Senate of the Maribor Faculty of Law, deputy president of the academic board of the Maribor Faculty of Law, a member of the library committee and the study commission of the Maribor Faculty of Law. She is also a member of different work groups at the University of Maribor.
Furthermore, she regularly participates in various national conferences (like Days of Slovenian Lawyers, Days of Labour Law and Social Security), as well as international conferences, publishes her articles in domestic and international journals and co-authors numerous books, among others the current Commentary to the Employment Relationships Act (Ius Software, GV Založba, 2016). She participates in scientific research projects, currently in the international project Flexinora at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka.
She is regularly active as a visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Law at the Karl Franzens University in Graz and also participates with the said faculty in organizing the traditional international scientific conference ‘International labour law dialogue' as a member of the Institute for Labour Law and Social Security.
The institute she heads, Institute for Labour Law and Social Security, yearly organizes a workshop titled ‘Current questions of Labour Law', which aims to connect legal theory and practice.
Associate Professor Darja Senčur Peček, Ph.D. was also a member of a special Mission for security, composed by the European Commission. She regularly attends events, organised by the European Commission (for example Expert workshop of the Mutual Learning Programme ‘Measures to address labour market segmentation').
Furthermore, she is also a member of the editorial board at the journals ‘Pravnik', ‘Podjetje in delo', ‘Delavci in delodajalci' and the editor of the journal ‘Anali PAZU HD'. Also, she is the president of the Association of Company Law Societies in Slovenia and the vice-president of the Academic Scientific Union of Pomurje (PAZU).