Full Professor Aleš Ferčič, Ph.D.

E-mail: ales.fercic@um.si
Telephone: +386 (0)2 250 42 67
Office: 016
Office and Tutoring hours
Department: Department of Constitutional, Administrative and Financial Law, Department of European and International Law and International Cooperation, Department of Civil, International Private and Comparative Law
  • Legal System and Institutions EU (lectures, tutorials)
  • Administrative Law (lectures, tutorials)
  • The Constitutional and Administrative Law and EU Law: Selected Topics (lectures, tutorials)

Aleš Ferčič Ph.D. is a Full Professor at the Maribor Faculty of Law and head of the Institute for Public Law at the Maribor Faculty of Law, a member of the European Law Institute situated in Vienna and an arbitrator with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia.

He participates in the following courses: The Constitutional and Administrative Law and EU Law: Selected Topics, European Company Law, Administrative Law and Legal System and Institutions of EU. He also lectures in the courses European Union Competition Law and European Union Legal System and Institutions for ERASMUS students.

Furthermore, he occasionally teaches at some Slovenian and foreign faculties and remains in close contact with the Faculty of Law at the Karl-Franzens University in Graz.

He additionally also actively participates in student preparations for different international competitions, in the last years mainly for the European Law Moot Court Competition.

His research work is focused in the field of Slovenian and European administrative and public company law, namely in the field of state aids for companies and competition law, regulated sectors (energy, telecommunications, post services and railway traffic), public services and the work of the public sector, mainly public companies.

Additionally, he researches the core Institutes of Slovenian and European constitutional and administrative law and the questions related to europeization of public law (he dealt with these topics in the Jean Monnet EU project he headed).

He is the author or co-author of numerous articles and books, published by Slovenian and foreign publishers (like Kluwer Law International, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Verlag C. H. Beck, C. F. Müller Verlag). For more, see his bibliography.