1st International Conference

18 - 20 May 2023; Portorož, Slovenia and Oprtalj, Croatia
The conference addresses emerging trends and selected issues of cross-border civil (court) proceedings. The challenges posed by the ongoing digitalisation of society need to be discussed to find solutions that prioritise the protection of parties' legal rights while also ensuring cost-effective and timely trials. Arguably the most relevant aspects in this regard are the taking of electronic evidence and electronic service of documents, which can help streamline the legal process, improve efficiency, and reduce costs for the parties involved. The interdisciplinary presentations from different national and EU perspectives will provide valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges of electronic evidence and electronic service of documents, helping legal practitioners and judges to make informed decisions about the appropriate use of these tools in their cases.  The digital era has not only facilitated the taking of evidence processes but has also inflated opportunities for illegally obtained evidence and increased the vulnerability of evidence to intentional or accidental alteration, damage, or destruction, which also needs to be addressed in this context. The rules on the service of documents in different Member States will be presented in a way to better understand the obstacles to efficiency.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Directorate General Justice and Consumers (DG JUST). Neither the European Union nor DG JUST can be held responsible for them.