08.00-09.00 | Registration |
09.00-09.30 | Welcome Address by the Dean of the Faculty of Law Prof. Dr. Saša Prelič |
Prof. Dr. Vesna Rijavec: Introduction of the Project - Basic Issues and Goals | |
09.30-10.00 | Prof. Dr. José Caramelo Gomes: Comparative Overview on Simplified Recovery of Debts Procedures |
10.00-10.30 | Prof. Dr. Bettina Nunner Krautgasser: General Principles in Small Claims Procedures - How far can Reductions go? |
10.30-11.00 | Break with Snacks and Refreshments |
11.00-11.30 | Eric De Caluwe: Procedural Succession in Cross Border Process (Cessation of the Company after the Plaintiff has Initiated the Action against It) |
11.30-12.00 | Dr. Jana Vnukova: A Comparison of National and EU Options for Summary Procedures in non Euro Countries |
12.00-12.30 | Dr. Janja Hojnik: The Problem of Insufficiently Determined Ordering Part of the Judgement Regarding Interests in the Practice of the European Court of Justice |
12.30-13.00 | Discussion with Ass. Dr. Tomaž Keresteš |
13.00-14.00 | Lunch Break |
14.00-15.00 | Dr. Jorg Sladič: The Foreign Insolvent Debtor |
15.00-15.30 | Mag. Urška Kežmah & Mag. Boštjan Kežmah: IT Technologie in Summary Procedure (Prototype Presentation) |
15.30-16.30 | Mag. Miha Žebre: Expectations and Reality regarding Unification and Harmonisation of Rules on Judicial Collection of Monetary Claims |
16.30-17.00 | Dr. Andreja Primec Skaza: Factor of Costs in Cross Border Debt Collection |
17.00-18.00 | Discussion with Ass. Dr. Tjaša Ivanc |
20.00 | Dinner with Music and Dance for all Participants |
This Project is financially supported by the European Commission within the Framework programme for judicial cooperation in civil matters of the European Commission
- Diversity of Enforcement Titles in cross-border Debt Collection in EU
- Train to Enforce
- Remedies concerning Enforcement of Foreign Judgements according to Brussels I Recast
- LAWtrain
- Developments and trend in the regulation of the attorney's profession with the emphasis on Slovenia and Germany
- Civil vs "Common Law" – the assessment of »rules« of evidence law (testing the admissibility of electronic evidence in common law and continental law systems)
- Dimensions of Evidence in European Civil Procedure
- Simplification of Debt Collection in the EU
- Role of Faculty of Law
- Conferences and other activities
- Conference "Simplification of cross-border Debt Collection" 2012
- Speakers
- Programme
- Conference materials
- Conference gallery
- Conference "Cross-border Civil Proceedings in the EU" 2011
- Conference "Simplification of Debt Collection in the EU" 2010
- Project results
- European Enforcement Order
- Medicine, Law and Society
- CRP Service