Conference materials


Vesna Rijavec - Project Review

Andreja Primec - Factor of Costs in Cross Border Debt Collection

Bettina Nunner-Krautgasser - General Principles in Small Claims Procedures

Eric De Caluwe - Legal succession in the framework of cross-border proceedings

Jana Vnukova - A Comparison of National and EU Options for Summary Procedures in Slovakia

Janja Hojnik - The Problem of Insufficiently Determined Ordering Part of the Judgment Regarding Interests in the Case-Law of the Court of Justice

Jose Caramelo Gomes - Comparative Overview of the Simplified Debt Recovery Procedures

Urška Kežmah, Boštjan Kežmah - IT Technology in Summary Procedure


Conference Paper:

Jorg Sladič - Foreign Insolvent Debtor


This Project is financially supported by the European Commission within the Framework programme for judicial cooperation in civil matters of the European Commission