Expert Meetings

The Faculty was hosting the Kick-off meeting for the EU project "Train to Enforce". The goal of the project is to provide training to lawyers and judges of Member states regarding the use of the Regulations on the European order for payment and the European small claims procedure. Partners to the project come from Italy, Sweden, Albania, Germany, Croatia, Austria, Spain and Slovenia.


Ass. Prof. MMMag. Dr. Anzenberger Philipp,
As. Baghrizabehi Denis,
Prof. dr. Bylander Eric,
As. Drnovšek Katja,
Mr. Foccasi Fabio,
Prof. dr. Hojnik Janja,
Prof. dr. Ivanc Tjaša,
Prof. dr. Keresteš Tomaž,
Ms. Klojčnik Jasmina,
Prof. dr. Kola Tafaj Flutura,
Prof. dr. Kraljić Suzana,
Ms. Kukovec Urška,
Prof. dr. Kunštek Eduard,
Dr. Mensah Cocou Marius,
Prof. dr. Mihelčić Gabriela,
Prof. dr. Nunner-Krautgasser Bettina,
Mr. Polajžar Aljoša,
Prof. dr. Repas Martina,
Prof. dr. Rijavec Vesna
Prof. dr. Shehu Julian,
Prof. dr. Tonolo Sara,
Mr. Trstenjak Matjaž,
As. Zahrastnik Kristjan,
Ass. Prof. dr. Weingerl Petra


This project is cofunded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020)