Conference "Cross-border Civil Proceedings in the EU" 2011

International Interactive Scientific Conference

Access to Civil Justice - Cross-border Civil Proceedings in the EU

17th and 18th of November 2011, Maribor, Slovenia



The University of Maribor, Faculty of Law (Slovenia) organized an International Conference entitled “Cross-border Civil Proceedings in the EU” organised by Prof. Dr. Vesna Rijavec with support from the European Commission within Specific Programme Civil Justice.

The University of Maribor has been working in close collaboration with the University of Zagreb (Croatia) and the University of Graz (Austria).

The purpose of the Conference was to acquaint Lawyers with European Civil Procedure Law and to contribute to their lifelong learning professional education.

The following topics have been discussed:

  • international jurisdiction,
  • cross-border enforcement of debts (Brussels I, European enforcement order, European order for payment, small claims procedure),
  • cross-border service of documents,
  • cross-border taking of evidence,
  • use of electronic tools in the context of litigation and
  • the proposal for a new Brussels I Regulation.

Languages (simultaneous translation): Slovenian, German, English.

PlaceUniversity of MariborSlomškov trg 15, SI-2000 Maribor, Aula Magna

Conference Organisers:
Prof. Dr. Vesna Rijavec (University of Maribor)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Jelinek (University of Graz)
Prof. Dr. Jasnica Garašić (University of Zagreb)


This Project is financially supported by the European Commission within the Framework programme for judicial cooperation in civil matters of the European Commission