Mag. Martina Arneitz, District Court of Austria for Trade Matters
Dr. Mikael Berglund, Enforcement Director/Lawyer, Enforcement Authority, Stockholm
Mag. Nina Betetto, Judge of Supreme Court of Justice of Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana
Mag. Ivan Bizjak, Head of the Directorate for Judicial Cooperation and Internal Affairs of the EU, Brussels
Dr. Jesus Bores Lazo, Advocate in Sevilla
Prof. Dr. Mihajlo Dika, University of Zagreb
Dr. Andrej Ekart, University of Maribor
Prof. Dr. Anka Ernes, University of Maastricht
Dr. Robert Fucik, Federal Ministry of Justice, Austria
Prof. Dr. Jasnica Garašić, University of Zagreb
Prof. Dr. José Caramelo Gomes, University of Porto
Dr. Tjaša Ivanc, University of Maribor
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Jelinek, Karl-Franzens-University of Graz
Doc. Dr. Tomaž Keresteš, University of Maribor
Prof. Dr. Eduard Kunštek, University of Rijeka
Prof. Dr. Meliha Povlakić, University of Sarajevo
Prof. Dr. Vesna Rijavec, University of Maribor
Jana Savkovič, Supreme Court of Justice of Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana
Prof. Dr. Hrvoje Sikirić, University of Zagreb
Prof. Dr. Elisabeta Silvestri, University of Pavia
Christophe Verdure, Associated researcher, Consumers’ law Centre at the University of Louvain
Dr. Sylvia Zangl, Law firm Drexel-Weirer-Schaar; Karl-Franzens-University of Graz
Miha Žebre, European Commission, Legal Service
This Project is financially supported by the European Commission within the Framework programme for judicial cooperation in civil matters of the European Commission
- Diversity of Enforcement Titles in cross-border Debt Collection in EU
- Train to Enforce
- Remedies concerning Enforcement of Foreign Judgements according to Brussels I Recast
- LAWtrain
- Developments and trend in the regulation of the attorney's profession with the emphasis on Slovenia and Germany
- Civil vs "Common Law" – the assessment of »rules« of evidence law (testing the admissibility of electronic evidence in common law and continental law systems)
- Dimensions of Evidence in European Civil Procedure
- Simplification of Debt Collection in the EU
- Role of Faculty of Law
- Conferences and other activities
- Conference "Simplification of cross-border Debt Collection" 2012
- Conference "Cross-border Civil Proceedings in the EU" 2011
- Conference "Simplification of Debt Collection in the EU" 2010
- Speakers
- Programme
- Conference materials
- Conference gallery
- Project results
- European Enforcement Order
- Medicine, Law and Society
- CRP Service