
A monograph by Wendy Kennett The Enforcement of judgements in Europe published by Oxford University press

Publish date: petek, 1. marec 2024 | Expiration date: ponedeljek, 1. julij 2024

Monograph (i) explains the significance of the fact that judicial cooperation falls within the EC Treaty; (ii) sets out the background of measures and proposals which will form the basis for further work by the European Commission in developing legislative proposals; (iii) compares the enforcement frameworks of selected national laws (England, Germany, France, Sweden, Spain); (iv) examines in detail the existing position in relation to key enforcement issues (obtaining information about a debtor's assets, provisional and protective measures, service of documents, exequatur, transfrontier garnishee orders and the transfrontier enforcement of injunctions) under the selected national laws and European/international instruments; and (v) assesses the scope for improvements in collaboration between Member States and the obstacles that may impede harmonisation.

The book will provide an invaluable source of reference for practitioners and policy-makers, and will also be of assistance as a starting point for those who want to engage in further comparative research on the topics covered.

The author of the book, Wendy Kennett is a professor at School of Law and Politics at University of Cardiff and one of the Associate Members of the Institute Access to Civil Justice of the Faculty of Law, University of Maribor. She is currently teaching Contract at undergraduate level and International Commercial Arbitration on the LLM programme. Her work on civil procedure and enforcement is also widely internationally recognised.

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