Students' Civil Litigation Moot



The Students' Civil Litigation Moot was first organized as an in-house moot for students from the Faculty of Law, University of Maribor and is getting bigger every year, with students from the Ljubljana Faculty of Law having started participating in 2016 and other universities in the following years.

The competition is based on a civil litigation procedure. Students need to study the procedural background to successfully file a lawsuit and afterward also the facts of the given case, to successfully argue their case in front of the made-up tribunal.

The competition is meant for students of the second and third year of the first cycle study programme and the first and second year of the second cycle study programme.

Students need first to submit two written files – one for each party. After the written phase, they need to prepare themselves for the simulation of a court procedure in which they need to represent the party they are given orally. The best two teams move on to the finals, where the judges choose both the winning team and the best speaker.

The competition follows a problem-based learning approach and helps students to learn more about the relevant rules. It additionally allows students to test themselves in the roles of lawyers and boosts their competitive nature by providing awards for the winners.

The problem is usually released in March or April, and students can apply (in teams of maximum five students) in April or May.