Conference materials
- Alan Uzelac - Harmonization of EU Law of Evidence - Civil and Common Law
- Aleš Galič - European Case Study
- Christian Wolf - Law of Evidence in Germany
- Christian Wolf - Legal Evidence in Germany
- Darius Bolzanas - Witness
- Helmut Rüßmann - Evidence and Proof with Electronic Documents
- Lojze Ude & Matija Damjan - Audiatur et altera pars and evidence
- Lojze Ude & Matija Damjan - Uveljavitev načela kontradiktornosti pri dokazovanju v civilni pravdi
- Philipp Anzenberger - Intensities of immediacy when taking evidence abroad
- Robert Fucik - European dimensions of taking evidence in civil procedure
- Robert Turner - English Common Law Jurisdiction
- Sascha Verovnik - Vloga sodnika - Načelo neposrednosti in omejeno preiskovalno načelo
- Stefaan Voet - Experts
- Walter H. Rechberger - Categorization of means of evidence
Project DEECP: JUST/2011‐2012/JCIV/AG/3434
Dimensions of evidence in civil procedure
With financial support from the Civil Justice/Criminal Justice Programme of the European Union
- Diversity of Enforcement Titles in cross-border Debt Collection in EU
- Train to Enforce
- Remedies concerning Enforcement of Foreign Judgements according to Brussels I Recast
- LAWtrain
- Developments and trend in the regulation of the attorney's profession with the emphasis on Slovenia and Germany
- Civil vs "Common Law" – the assessment of »rules« of evidence law (testing the admissibility of electronic evidence in common law and continental law systems)
- Dimensions of Evidence in European Civil Procedure
- Role of Faculty of Law
- Conferences and other activities
- Conference "Evidence in Civil Procedure - Fundamental issues and challenge of reforms" 2013
- Conference "Dimensions of Evidence in European Civil Procedure" 2014
- Conference "Procedural Human Rights and Access to Justice in the World of Emergencies and Economic Crisis" 2014
- Conference "European Dimension of Taking Evidence in Civil Procedure" 2015
- Programme
- Conference materials
- Conference gallery
- Project results
- Simplification of Debt Collection in the EU
- European Enforcement Order
- Medicine, Law and Society
- CRP Service